The Apprenticeship Track is inspired by the 3M Brazil/Hope Unlimited Auto Body Training Program.
The training program was created 20 years ago by Paul Husby, then managing director of 3M Brazil, and Philip Smith of Hope Unlimited.
Hope Unlimited cares for over 1,000 children and youth at mortal risk (many who were street children). Hope Unlimited’s system supports youth through job training and employment. This helps establish them in their adult lives.
3M Brazil began in 1946 and now has over 3,000 employees at many sites.
3M needs trained technicians to exhibit the full benefits of their products. Paul Husby also wanted to contribute to the needs of street children beyond the writing of a check.
Over 500 apprentices have completed the program and found jobs in Campinas, Brazil body shops. Day in and day out, this small army of trained technicians shows off the value of 3M products. They are so sought after that local auto body shops provide internships and permanent jobs to graduates. In Vitoria, Brazil, the home of Hope Unlimited’s second program, body shop owners are offering to pay for the instructor as a part of restarting an auto body training program that was shut down due to lack of government funding.
It’s pleasing to Paul, 3M and Hope Unlimited to see 500 underprivileged youth with great jobs and homes providing for their families.
Catalysis and Paul Husby are exploring ways to replicate this successful partnership program. We envision apprentices around the world learning the use of partner companies’ product lines.